chickshaw edits

Sometimes things need to be revised. First, full gratitude to the original chickshaw by Justin - it would have taken 10 times longer to build a mobile coop without all the hard work that came before us, and we are so thankful he willingly shares his plans. We watched a ton of videos of other people’s mods before building the first one, and now that we’ve been using the 5.0 model (with mods) we’ve thought of a few more tweaks.

We raised our birds in the shop over the winter, so we spent A LOT of time refilling feeders, cleaning waterers and moving chickens from the door on top. For our work, the door is too heavy - especially with a chicken in one hand. On pasture and out in the winds, our top has also blown open - no small feat since the door is heavy and essentially horizontal, flat to the rest of the build. We decided if we were going to change the roof, we could also add more visibility into the ‘shaw and improve the locking mechanisms for quicker release.

With these changes - in addition to the first mods of an automatic door and roll away hen box - we present our latest mobile chicken coop.


mobile wash station


How often does math come in handy? Erryday.